Use Drealize -managed validators with confidence, knowing they are built and maintained by blockchain infrastructure experts.
With our extensive experience running nodes on various network, we have created top-of-the line tools and risk management practices. Our validators and staking networks have already staked billions of dollars in token value, and our white-glove service makes it easy for you to delegate to us and handle all your needs without worrying about keeping your node online, synced, and up-to-date. we provide detailed instructions for delegating to your preferred protocol and can monitor balance for you. We have a long history of supporting Proof-of-Stake networks, from their testnet phase to mainnet growth and mass adoption. We work closely with protocol teams, the community, and foundations to help test, monitor, and improve these network and also have strong relationships with leading custodians to address your staking security needs
Ensuring safety is our top priority.
To achieve this, Drealize has implemented four layers of risk mitigation, including nodes and a slashing guarantee to provide the highest level of protection.
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